Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kertesz and Cartier-Bresson versus Smith and Salgado

One of the main differences between Kertesz and Cartier-Vresson versus Smith and Salgado would have to be their overall style.

Kertesz and Cartier-Bresson believed strongly in capturing a photo in its raw state. By this I mean that it was their intention to remain "invisible" when they take their photos.  By doing this, their photos strike me as being very organic; genuine; uncontrived. Capturing photos in this way shows the subject or subjects of the photo in its natural form without any outside interference and/or influence.

Photo taken by Kertesz

Photo taken by Cartier-Bresson
Conversely, Smith and Salgado had a different philosphy.  They did not believe in the need to be "invisible".  They made themselves visible.  The subject of their photos were staged in order to achieve a particular photo.  A lot of time was also spent in post production of their photos.

Photo taken by Smith

Photo taken by Salgado
While the philosophies of these photographers were different, ultimately the final result for all four photographers was a thought provoking, timeless photograph.

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