Monday, September 20, 2010

early days of photography & portraits of today

Photography in the early days and portraits of today varied in many ways.  The first of many ways in which photography differed is in the technical process itself.  In the 1850s, there were two main methods of photography that were used for different reasons.  One method was used primarily for studio typed portraits, while the other method of photography was primarily used for outdoor photography.  

The processes used to create photography were also quite complex and varied, depending on the clarity/detail desired.  A few examples of this include calotype, which was used due to its inexpensive, light, and robust properties.  The Le Gray method was used to achieve a more transparent texture, resulting in a glass-like finish.

Portraits of the past were, at first, reserved for those of high status.  Clientele such as doctors, lawyers, politicians, and other people with a great deal of money were able to get their portrait taken.  With the initiation of a standardization process of the photo-taking processes, the cost of such photos decreased greatly.  This enabled those who perhaps did not have as many financial resources to also have their photos taken.

Today, photos and portraits are much more affordable than they were in the past.  In fact, with the rise in popularity of digital cameras, the ability to purchase a camera and take pictures on one’s own is an alternative to getting a professional photograph or portrait taken.  That said, the cost of having professional portraits taken can often still be pricey.  According to professional photographer Karolin Balash’s website, the cost of, for example, baby portraits has a cost of $800. ( Similar to portraits of the past, the photographer has to consider their expertise, equipment, assistants, and professional equipment to be used during the photo session when establishing their costs.

Photographers of today also have access to plenty of photo editing software that can be used to enhance and perfect photos that have been taken, whereas that luxury did not exist for photos of the past.

In the photograph below, you will see a portrait taken by Matthew Brady (May 18, 1822-Jan 15-1896). (  Matthew Brady was a photographer who was famous for his pictures of celebrities as well as his documentation of the American Civil War. It was his photos of Abraham Lincoln that were used on the $5 dollar bill as well as the Lincoln Penny.  

In these times, portraits seem to simply depict the subject and did not seem to have the specific goal of being provocative or “eye-catching”.

Compare this to a portrait taken of now President Barack Obama which appeared on the cover of the March 2009 issue of Vanity Fair taken by Annie Leibovitz. 

This portrait, while also of a president, is in stark contract to the picture taken of Abraham Lincoln several years prior.  The photo of Abraham Lincoln has the president standing, looking very authoritative, serious,  and “in control”.  While Barack Obama is, as president, all of these things, he appears more approachable in this portrait.  He is seated, without a jacket, and appears to be more relaxed.

This photo is also a testament to the advanced technology available in more recent times.  This portrait taken by Annie Leibovitz is actually a photograph taken for the July 2007 issue of Vanity Fair, even before Barack Obama was president.  In addition to that, this photo also had actor Don Cheadle in it.  For the March 2009 Vanity Fair Cover, the background colour was changed and Don Cheadle was completely cropped out of the picture.

On a side note, I also found the following picture interesting in that it depicts both Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln in the same shot.  I am yet to determine whether or not Matthew Brady was the person who shot either of these particular portraits of President Lincoln as well!


A History of Photography


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